Pallet Rack


Interchangeable Rack


T-Bolt Bolted Rack

Structural Bolted Pallet Rack

Structural Bolted Rack

Structural Interchangeable Pallet Rack

Hybrid Interchangeable

Roll-Formed and Structural Pallet Rack Options

UNARCO manufactures Roll-Formed Pallet Rack and Structural Rack to fit any warehouse storage requirement, from engineered pick modules to simple Selective Pallet Rack installations. Since there are thousands of warehouse storage system applications, UNARCO Pallet Racking is available in a wide-range of shapes and gauges with a variety of patented connections.

Uprights are manufactured in both open- and closed-post options. Roll-formed, C-shape posts—or SuperPost closed-tube posts— are used for added durability and additional capacity. The industry standard Interchangeable Rack is made to fit all manufacturers’ Teardrop-style connections and is available in both roll-formed or structural rack options.

For bolted warehouse options, UNARCO manufactures T-Bolt pallet rack with easy assembly using a front-end installation. All welded construction uprights and beams comply with the latest RMI specifications and ANSI standards. Since every warehouse storage need is not the same, UNARCO has more options than anyone else in the rack industry.

  • Interchangeable:

    Fits all major manufacturers’ Teardrop Interchangeable Rack with patented beam connections, including the Gravity Lock and Push Lock, in an automatic plunger style. Adjustable on 2″ centers.

  • T-Bolt:

    Patented T-Bolt Pallet Rack beam-to-frame connections allows for the easiest bolted installation available without having to reach inside the column. Adjustable on 3″ vertical centers.

  • Structural:

    Structural, steel C-Channel uprights and beams connect in a wide-range of sizes for added toughness and rigidity with both bolted and automatic-locking connections.

  • Hybrid:

    Structural steel uprights paired with roll-formed beams create a cost-effective warehouse solution. The C-channel posts are manufactured with Teardrop punching to allow automatic locking connectors on either roll-formed or structural beams for a non-bolted connection.


Modernized equipment with automatic and robotic welding and AWS-certified welders ensure adherence to manufacturing tolerances in order to help ease installation worries. All pallet rack components are powder-coated on state-of-the-art, automated, powder paint lines for a long-lasting, durable finish.

UNARCO manufactures a broad product line turning pallet rack into Carton Flow RackPallet Flow RackPush Back Rack, or Drive-In Rack. Regardless of your requirement, UNARCO pallet storage racks can lower your distribution costs and become your single source for all material handling solutions.

For added durability in tough warehouse storage applications, UNARCO manufactures racking durability add-on accessories, such as column protectors and end-of-aisle guards.
For more photos of the different pallet rack, view the UNARCO Pallet Rack Photo Gallery.

System Highlights:

Pallet Rack is the backbone of all distribution systems from selective rack to engineered pick modules.

  • Interchangeable pallet rack

  • T-Bolt patented locking rack design

  • Structural uprights and beams

  • Hybrid designs with structural uprights and roll-formed beams

  • Complete line of pallet rack accessories and safety add-ons

Because UNARCO has the widest assortment of manufacturing options coming from three plants, we never need to steer you into a certain product line.  We manufacture a complete line to cover every price-point and option in structural and roll-formed, bolted and automatic locking options.  No other company offers more solutions for your warehouse or distribution center.

For more photos of Pallet Rack systems view the UNARCO Pallet Rack Photo Gallery.

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