Warehouse Inspection and Repair
Pallet Rack Repair, pallet rack safety, and warehouse inspections for racking damage and safety hazards should be part of a daily routine. Pallet rack is susceptible to damage from forklifts and pallet abuse. It is common in all warehouse applications and should be corrected as soon as possible. Damage to pallet rack bracing and upright columns can compromise the entire pallet rack system and lessen the capacities of individual upright frames.
Pallet rack repair is a task for trained UNARCO installers who are competent in evaluating damage in warehouses and finding appropriate solutions. Cutting the pallet racking or repairing sections without unloading product is a skilled task and requires special installation repair teams. A full engineering team is available to provide the capacities and best fit for your existing pallet rack system, whether you need a welded repair kit or a bolted repair option.
UNARCO pallet rack repair kits can be made to fit all RMI rack manufacturers’ racking. Accurate field measurements ensure a proper fit and long-lasting solution. Straight-leg rack repair kits allow placement of lower level beams. Special sloped-leg upright repair kits can be manufactured to help eliminate future damage by causing the lower-level front upright post to slope away from the aisle.

System Highlights:
Pallet Rack Repair Safety always starts with a qualified survey of the existing rack.
Repair kits should be engineered to match the existing racking structure
Installation crews should be trained and highly-skilled
Lower areas should be unloaded and special equipment can be used to support the existing rack
All surrounding areas of the racking system need to be inspected for additional damage
Welded rack repair kits require additional safety measures to guard against fire, fumes and weld-contamination
When a warehouse decides to repair a pallet rack instead of replacing the uprights, attention must be paid to all safety procedures. Once the damage is evaluated, an engineered solution should be designed to match the existing system and only certified and trained installers should handle the project on-site. The design will make sure that the rack repair kit meets or exceeds the current racking installation.
For more photos of Pallet Rack Repair systems, view the UNARCO Pallet Rack Repair Photo Gallery.
Inspect, Engineer and Repair
Pallet rack safety is not only limited to damaged pallet racking. It is also necessary to inspect pallet placement in the warehouse or distribution center as well as all attached pallet rack accessories and rack protection.
Whatever the extent of damage to your current pallet racking system, UNARCO can identify safety issues, provide a solution with minimal interruption during installation, and help limit future rack damage.
To see more photos of pallet rack repair, visit our Pallet Rack Repair Portfolio or view our Pallet Rack Repair Brochure.